Characters & Factions of Note

There are several new factions being introduced during our DOWNFALL event, so let’s cover some of the basics you should know about these in-character groups. While the main setting of Downfall is within a rival settlement to our home town of Bravado, you can still expect to see some familiar faces from our local game setting.

National Factions of Note

  • The Wells Society emerged from the vacuum left by the Trade Union’s withdrawal and stands as a testament to the potential for collaboration across diverse factions, each bringing unique perspectives and resources to a shared vision. The Wells Society’s mission goes beyond just survival; it seeks to reclaim and rehabilitate the ravaged earth, fostering conditions where life can flourish anew.

  • The Temple of Evolution sees radiation as the light of truth in a false world created by the Mortis. Under the guidance of Curie Pierre, the Temple of Evolution believes that the Mortis gives the wasteland strength to survive, and it will eventually turn all of creation into a single organism. Free will, individual exceptionalism, and evolution does not thrive in a single organism environment without reason to evolve.

  • The Servants of the Undying are a sect that worships the Mortis Amaranthine, the Infection, and the role the Mortis plays in the cycle of creation and destruction. In the eyes of the Servants of the Undying, the Mortis is an aspect of existence that should not only be respected and revered, but also propagated and expanded whenever possible.

Local DR:TX Factions of note

  • The Mustang Loyalists are a militant faction of the Fallow Hope that follow the leadership of a demagogue named General Mustang. They have claimed the city of Bastion as their own, and have deployed a powerful military force into the settlement. They offer safety and security to those willing to swear allegiance to their rule, and have invited settlements across the wastes to their home as part of the Wells Society Initiative.

  • The Grave Council is a group of taxmen, accountants, and graverobbers that maintain the Morgues in the San Saba area around Bravado. You can read more about them here.

Characters of Note

Marcus Remington, as portrayed by Ariel Patrick-Muñoz

  • Minister-General Marcus Remington

    • Marcus Remington is the Minister-General of the Fallow Hope of Bastion.  As the supreme authority on faith and war, he only answers directly to General Mustang.  Remington is a powerful leader and incredibly confident in his faith, his people, and the role he plays for the settlement of Star City.  Remington has been part of the Fallow Hope leadership since the Hiway War, and was one of the previous General Mustang’s closest confidants and allies. 

      Remington is an unassuming Merican with dark hair and a beard, but his demeanor speaks to his role as a soldier.  He takes pride in his uniform, and carries himself with refinement befitting his post.  While he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty in a fight, he is used to having more attendants and soldiers with him to take care of his affairs as a leader of the Loyalists.  Remington has a fierce and unwavering gaze, and can be intimidating to those that are unprepared.  His faith is unshakeable and it carries in everything he does.

      The Minister-General views himself as a servant of the Lord Commander, through his corporeal leader made flesh, General Mustang.   He is devout and deeply faithful, but it is confidence in his faith that radiates from him in everything he does.  He honors the Lord Commander in his every action, and strives to keep his team disciplined and focused on their goals at hand.

  • Dr. Ezekiel Abbott

  • general mustang