Looking to make your own props? We have a couple simple guides below.
Starter equipment
Starter Equipment allows players to jump right into the action with the appropriate weapons that their character would have. This gear is given out either during a player’s first game, or when a returning player needs gear to get them started. Starter Equipment always needs to be safety checked by a Guide before entering play, and must be tagged appropriately.
There are no Item Cards for your Starter Gear. just start playing!
Instead, the WHITE TAG on the weapon specifies that it’s Starter Equipment. These item tags do not expire, and can be freely obtained from the Post Office if it is damaged. This tag helps us identify your prop as yours and will include your Player Number and the Player Number of the Guide that safety-checked the weapon. Starter equipment does not have any other mechanical benefits and is not able to be turned into resources.
All melee weapons must be contact safe, and follow the use of our lightest touch ruleset.
How It Works
Starter Weapons always swings for base damage. You can find the rules for Weapons starting on page 73 in the Player’s Guide. Depending on the prop you provide or borrow, you can choose a type of weapon you prefer and they have the following abilities as Starter Gear:
Melee Weapons automatically do 2 Damage with each successful swing.
There are Melee Small & Florentine weapons (under 30” in length), Melee Standard weapons (under 45” in length), and Melee Two Handed weapons (under 80” in length)
Bow and Bolt Action ranged weapons deal 5 Damage on a successful hit with a packet or dart. These weapons are powerful, but cannot be used in close-range fighting and have limited ammo.
Bolt Action firearms are normally represented by a NERF gun, but they must be single-shot and cannot be fully automatic. You can find more rules HERE.
There’s no limit to the packets or darts you can carry with you, but each must be clearly marked with your player number.
You are responsible for '“policing your brass” and collecting your darts after a combat is over. Any darts found during cleanup are often thrown away.
Bows are represented with an unstrung bow or heat-formed boffer prop for the Bow, but you CANNOT use “larp arrows” and must use Packets instead. Bows can ALSO be used as Melee Weapons in combat if they are properly padded and do 2 Damage on a successful melee swing.
To use a Bow as a melee weapon it must follow all the rules for contact safe props found HERE.
Thrown Weapons do 5 Damage. These are represented by a foam projectile smaller than 13” that has NO hard material in the core or no more than 40” in length for items like javelins.
Brawling Weapon items do 2 Damage, but cannot block melee attacks without a crafted item called '“knucks”. These are represented by boffers under 21” in length.
Any crafted “knucks” can be used to block the damage from melee or brawling strikes, but it does not block mechanical effects that are not damage unless the specific crafted item states otherwise.
Starter Armor is always worth 5 Armor Points. This is treated like additional Body points that are lost first and must be repaired once they are lost. Armor requires a certain amount of coverage, that you can find more about HERE.
There is no way to craft these Starter Gear items. Instead, they are meant for players to get started in the world of Dystopia Rising Live and given freely to our new players.
What You Can Get
Below, we’ve listed the maximum amount of Starter Gear that you can come into play with. You will need physical representations for all of these items, since Starter Gear relies on tags rather than cards. Keep in mind that you DO NOT need to have all of these items. Instead, this is simply the maximum amount of weapons that you can come into play with as Starter Gear. We believe this is a reasonable amount of weapons to have in the post-apocalypse, and it helps prevent someone from coming into play with 500 knives strapped over their body and 100 Thrown Weapons in a giant bag.
All new characters may enter play with:
1 Firearm OR Bow
1 Shield
3 Melee Weapons (Any combination of Small, Standard, Two-Handed)
6 Thrown Weapons
1 pair of Brawling Knucks
1 Starter Armor (5 Armor Points)