10 Changes in DR Live

Welcome to the first of our micro blogs for DR Live! In each of these short and simple blog posts, we will discuss a cool thing about our upcoming new edition. We will have a few guest writers join in, and we hope you enjoy the topics we’ve chosen to cover! Once you’ve finished reading, join the conversation on our Downfall channel: https://discord.gg/4Ajuy7jPEd

  • You can purchase tickets to the first DR Live event on October 10-13 here - Downfall Tickets

  • You can read more about the event, the FAQ, and more at our Downfall Home Page

Let’s get started!

ten Changes in DR Live

It’s Jonathan here with our first micro blog. Here’s 10 interesting new changes you can find in the new DR Live Books:

  1. Impact Skills don’t need Mind

    Many of the common attacks and active skills like Avoid, Break, and Biogenetics are now called IMPACT SKILLS. Not every Impact Skill is a true combat ability, but they are all pretty useful to consider. These skills refresh when you are not using skills or weapons for 20 minutes. That means you can use them more often, and in EVERY fight. No more choosing between crafting and combat!

  2. The 12s are No More

    In DR Live, you don’t refresh Mind Points at noon and midnight. This is a big shift from 3.0, but since you don’t need Mind to fuel your Impact Skills, you’ll only use Mind for stuff like crafting, faith skills, and a few other Civilized style abilities. And, because all of the Mind restore items return more Mind that it takes to make them, you’ll be able to keep up the crafting for the entire event!

  3. Professions no longer require item cards to use

    Professions are the new upper tier abilities you can unlock by buying two other skills. But unlike 3.0, you don’t have to wait 6 months to unlock one, but you get it as soon as you meet the requirements. In DR Live, each Profession has two new Skills you can unlock and you don’t have to craft an expensive gizmo or weapon to use the ability. Neat!

  4. infection and resolve aren’t tied to Lineages

    In DR Live, everyone starts with three Infection and three Resolve. These scores are no longer determined by your Lineage choice, but are inherent to your character. This also means if you dipped below three Infection during the 3.0 events, you’ll get raised up to the new starting amount when you rebuild your character.

  5. Zombies are scarier!

    The new threat guides have added some new types of zombies and all of the zombies have some new and more dangerous abilities. From the ability to break through locked doors, to even exploding in a burst of radiation, zombies got a lot scarier! Time to add horror back into the survival horror game!

  6. Master skills are for Everyone

    In our current 3.0 system, you must spend over 100 XP to unlock your first master skill. This means that some folks might need to wait a year or more to get their first one of these skills. In DR Live, even a starting player can immediately unlock Master skills. There’s no time lock other than having enough XP to make the purchase. Since new characters start with 50 XP, this means you can have a Master Skill when you walk into town, and still have 20 points to spend on Impact Skills or Mind points.

  7. New Lineage Advantages

    Many of the Lineages got brand new Advantages they can use every game. Each Lineage has a passive ability they can use as well as a big ability that can be used by spending Resolve. For example, Evolved can count as 2 people when they need to carry something heavy, and they can ignore a Mangle OR a Knockout by spending Resolve!

  8. Psions get new cool impact Abilities!

    There are a bunch of new Psionic skills in DR Live. Psions can still set folks on fire with their mind with Pyrokinetics or heal others with Biogenetics, but now they can use Necrogenesis to follow a dying character into the Grave Mind, use Psychic Propulsion to push a scary enemy back with psionc force, and avoid dangerous traps with Precognition. And since these are now Impact Skills, you can use them way more often!

  9. Healing got seriously buffed!

    Basic Medical now heals 10 Body per Mind point you spend. No more need an expensive Doc Ottoman’s Bag, and you can use First Aide as an Impact Skill in combat to quickly patch up your friends and keep them from dying. Because you can use First Aide on another as an Impact Skill, that means it can refresh every 20 minutes and you can get your crew back into fighting shape without spending brews or meals!

  10. New rectangles - Necrology Item cards

    There are several powerful new Necrology items that can be generated by your Profession skills in DR Live, like Grave Flesh, Mortis Extract, Imprint Crystals, Mycelium Wiring, and Festering Crystals. These items will be very valuable for new Necrology blueprints, procedures, and will be used in the most powerful items you can craft in the game.

That’s it for today! See you next week with with another bite sized article about Dystopia Rising Live! In the meantime, find us on Discord: https://discord.gg/4Ajuy7jPEd