The Vote
Written by: Sam Mars Illustrated by: Balee Leggett
Exterior: The gleaming domes and white roofs of morning the MAGNOLIA DISTRICT of WAKING the floating city.
Boxed text: “Friends, as we convene this meeting of the San Saba Board, let us remind ourselves of our charter...”
A darkened boardroom with bright light streaking in through slotted blinds. All we see is six vague silhouettes around a table (one has a top hat, another has antler horns), in the shadows, we can barely make out a seventh figure leaning against the far wall.
Text continues: “...The Law of San Saba will be written, revised, and unwritten by a three-fifths vote. The Chair does not vote, but holds the power of
veto. This veto may only be overwritten by the unanimous decision of the board.”
Zoom in on Mr K. [Looking Bored] He is wearing a coat with wide lapels. The top half of his face is obscured by a fanged skull mask. Atop his head is a large black tophat with a hand of playing cards tucked in the brim.
Text continues: “...The Grave Council shall not be barred from any morgue, nor shall they be impeded in the collection of their Tax...”
Zoom in on Warden St. Mercy [Looking Smug]
Text continues: “...The Justices of The Prudence Penitentiary shall pass judgement on the guilty and offer them a path to absolution....”
Zoom in on Felicity Redfield [Shan] [Looking Angry] and Stewart The Scientist [Heather] [Looking Excited], sitting together.
Text continues: “...The Rail Road Conglomerate shall not be impeded in expanding their management of the land or the expansion of the Ox Line.....”
Zoom in on Queen Jasper [Shan] [Looking Exhausted]
Text continues: “...The Tribes Disperate shall be granted freedom of travel and residency throughout the San Saba Territories.....”
Zoom in on Boss Wyatt, leaning against the door leading out of the room, hat tipped over the eyes… badge visible [Looking Cool]
Text continues: “...The Law Dogs Shall enforce The Law in accordance with their contract with the board...”
Gavel striking
Text continues: “...This meeting of the San Saba board is now in session...”
Exterior ShotClouds or sun or whatever moving outside against that first scene to show the passage of time… I’m not an artist…
Text: “...and our last agenda item… new business from the Tribes Disperate… Queen Jasper The Floor is yours”
Repeat of shot from panel two, except there are subtle hints that these people have been sitting in a very long meeting. Jasper (antler person) is now standing to speak.. Different font from the previous speaker
Text: “There is an empty space on this board, an echoing absence of our friends and allies in the Junker Punks. Though there have been frictions in the past, it cannot be denied that they have ever been at the ready to serve the greater good of this land and its peoples. As we shape the future of these lands, it would be folly to ignore the heart and passion of their counsel. Therefore I propose we extend a formal invitation to the Junker Punks to a seat on this board.”
Exterior Shot more time passing, it is nearly dusk
Text: Same font as before “...the vote stands: Prudence Penitentiary votes “Nay”, all other seats vote “Yay”. What say you Chair?”
Different Bold Harsh Text “I veto this motion. Chaos, criminality, and violence have no place on this board. That is my final word.”
Internal Shot, the board:
Text: Same font as before “Very well, we shall re-vote. A unanimous decision is required to override the Chair’s Veto”
Thin vertical closeups of each character’s most notable characteristic as they respond.
“Mr. K?” - “Yea”
“Queen Jasper?” - “Yea”
“Warden St. Mercy?” - “Nay”
“Doctor Stewart?” - “Well… if the chair think’s it’s best...I mean.. Nay”
Larger shot of Felicity, staring at her fingers, not looking up
“Miss Redfield?” “Hrm?” “Miss Redfield, your vote.. For our records”
Redfield looking up, composed
“Of course… those thugs and pirates would only weaken and distract this board from its mission… I clearly vote…”
Just text against a blank background