THE LAWS OF bravado
The town of Bravado has established a tradition of law and order throughout the region in the wake of the War of Antlers. These are the major laws enforced by the town’s residents and their affiliated factions:
The Laws
Acts of non-lethal violence are the prerogative of the Wastes, and are a protected right. But to steal the Infection of the Body or the Work of the Hands of a Citizen, is forbidden.
Murder of a Citizen, regardless of the final status of their Infection, is forbidden.
None shall interfere with the Justice of Sin’s dispensation of justice and punishment, Delivery of the Post, the Broadcast of radio, the Publication and Distribution of the press, nor the Collection of the Grave Tax.
The procedure of harvesting and manufacturing, distributing and possessing crystal candy and its by-products is a crime.
The Grave Council shall not be barred from the entrance or maintenance of the Bravado Morgue.
Each of the laws was recently enacted as part of the signing of the new Bravado Charter, and was the wording decided by a council of the Law Dogs, Justices of Sin, and other residents of the town.
“Acts of non-lethal violence are the prerogative of the Wastes, and are a protected right. But to steal the Infection of the Body or the Work of the Hands of a Citizen, is forbidden.”
Anyone who kills another or steals is considered to have broken the law. Casual Violence is permitted, even encouraged, and those who wish to make a living doing it may be interested in joining the Law Dogs or pursuing a life in the criminal underworld.
The phrase “talk shit, get hit” isn’t just an adage, it’s actual advice!
“Murder of a Citizen, regardless of the final status of their Infection, is forbidden.”
Murder is a serious crime, regardless of the final state of the victim’s infection. During the days of the San Saba Board, killing someone over a slight was more common, as they’d just pay to restore the infection with their vast wealth.
This calloused approach to death has led to the Law Dogs including this clause in the Laws.
“None shall interfere with the Justice of Sin’s dispensation of justice and punishment, Delivery of the Post, the Broadcast of radio, the Publication and Distribution of the press, nor the Collection of the Grave Tax.”
Postal Workers, remnants of a venerated Sainthood tradition, perform the vital function of delivering the Post through Fire, Zed, and Gloom of Night. Lifeline to many a stranded settlement, a Postal Worker can be counted on to bring news, letters, and vital connection to the rest of the Wastes.
Radio and newsletters were strictly enforced during the days of the Board, and are now a protected right under the Bravado Charter.
The sanctioned Grave Robbers, Tax Collectors, Auditors, Mystagogues, and Reckoners of the Grave Council hold right by fiat to maintain the Morgues of the San Saba and for this service a Grave Tax is rendered upon all who pass through their demesne.
“The procedure of harvesting and manufacturing, distributing and possessing crystal candy and its by-products is a crime.”
The Bravado Charter outlaws the harvesting and trafficking of the drug known as Crystal Candy. The drug is commonly harvested from the living brains of screaming psions before they die, and crushed into a crystalline powder mixed with gasoline and other sundries. Stronger variants of the drug have recently flooded the region and are known to be incredibly addictive.
While some might argue that Crystal Candy can be made with the meaty bits from a Raider and be “ethically sourced” instead, it’s impossible to tell exactly who suffered to produce the drug with the final product. The Law Dogs will generally assess a fine and confiscate the contraband items, but repeated offenses could result in a Crime Scene.
“The Grave Council shall not be barred from the entrance or maintenance of the Bravado Morgue.”
None can deny that the Mortis Amaranthine is fickle and mysterious. The envoys of the Grave Council have agreed to manage the morgues of Bravado, in exchange for a small fee for their services. The mystics of the Grave Council claim they can measure the wax and wane of the Mortis, and are quick to step in and offer assistance before a grave crisis occurs.